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Intellectual property

Intellectual property is one of the major business of SunShare Law Firm and we have the qualification in both patent and trademark agency.Lawyers in SunShare Law Firm have abundant practical and theoretical experience. And most of them hold  lawyer’s and patent agent’s licences. The perfect combination of legal experience and professional knowledge ensures that  we are able to provide the best solution of intellectual property protection and improve our competitive. SunShare Law Firm has offered high level intellectual property legal service which includes patent, trademark, copyright, unfair competition, domain name, e-business, network transmission, franchise, television, video, media, culture and so on for clients from domestic and oversea in both traditional and new areas .
Main services:

  • Enterprise patent strategy design, drafting, risk diagnosis, analysis of enterprise patent strategy, patent research and development project research, etc     
  • Patent application for domestic and foreign application, patent reexamination, invalid, patent litigation, patent licensing, impawn and transfer, etc 
  • Enterprise brand strategy planning, diagnosis, and the management plan of trademark, etc
  • Trademark application, trademark query, investigation, trademark administrative review, well-known trademark, the trademark infringement, trademark lawsuit and so on
  • The legal affairs consulting related to patent and trademark       
  • Copyright, layout-designs of integrated circuits
  • Litigation related to copyright, copyright transfer disputes , legal affairs related to agent or relating right of copyright and copyright trade
  • The legal affairs related to news of books, publication of newspapers, performance, sound or video recording, television, films and stage investment production and the right of broadcasting organizations
  • The legal affair related to the database, creation of computer software, usage and network transmission
  • The registration of a layout-design of integrated circuits application, protection and tort, etc
  • Information network, domain names, and e-commerce
  • Agent for the domain name registration and the relevant registration , relevant network transmission right litigation and litigation related to network database rights
  • Agents for the domain name, domain name lawsuits related to enterprise name
  • Agent for the project plan and dispute resolution related to e-commerce     
  • Legal services with the network copyright, protection of database technology, management information of rights, domain name,and other legal service about the electronic commerce
  • Provide legal services such as franchise policy, legal consulting and franchise system frame structures
  • Allow the parties to choose the franchise leader or franchisees, provide survey of subject qualification, credit standing, stores management situation
  • To draft, modify the series of legal documents such as franchise contract and so on
  • Agent for record of franchise enterprise departments of commercial administration
  • Agent for the disputes in performing of license contract and trademark infringement caused by a third party or unfair competition disputes and so on
  • Anti-unfair competition and commercial secret
  • Agent for litigation related to unfair competition such as counterfeit registered trademark of others, or producing fake name, packaging, decoration
  • Agent for the litigation of unfair competition associated with false advertising lawsuits
  • Agent for the litigation of unfair competition such as restrictions on competition, the excessive fees
  • Agent for the litigation of commercial secret such as protection of business secrets and infringement of trade secret