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‘Ping An Cheng Du’ series of public lectures
2015-05-21 14:34:00

Enrollment for lecture ‘Private Capital Transformation and Opportunity in Capital Market’           
– ‘Ping An Cheng Du’ series of public lectures

Under the adjustment of economic structure and transformation, informal finance has faced with opportunities and challenges. Meanwhile, the existence and role played by informal finance remain to be discussed. Therefore how to give full play of informal finance tends to be a heated topic.

In an attempt to discuss the future of informal finance, the lecture Private Capital Transformation and Opportunity in Capital Market which is the fourth episode of ‘Ping An Chengdu’ series, is designed to analyze and discuss issues associated with the transformation of private capital and enterprise compliance management. This lecture will be held at Sub Center of Real Estate, Service Center of Chengdu Municipal on Saturday, 30th May 2015. Xiong Jiafu, manager of Huaxi Futures Limited Liability Company, was invited as presenter.

This lecture aims to promote the standardization of private capital and seek golden opportunity for capital transformation. It is only under the joint efforts of various sector and private capital alliance can we be able to realize the sustained, rapid and sound economic development in Chengdu.

Organized by Sunshare Law Firm, the lecture is in accordance with principle of running the state according to the law and the spirit of Chengdu Municipal Party Committee. The lecture is jointly held by China Institute of Financial and Legal Service, Chengdu Financial District Association and Legal Assistant Center in Xiyuhe Street with the authorization of Chengdu Politics and Law Committee and Chengdu Finance Office. Supported by experts and academics from judicial institution and financial regulator and financial industry association, this lecture put priority on offering legal support and service, contributing to a justice, fair and harmonious society..

Institution:     Chengdu Finance Office
              Chengdu Qingyang Distirct Finance Office
              CHengdu QIngyang District sub-district office

Sponsor:    China Institute of financial and legal services
           Chengdu Financial District Association
           Legal Assistant Center in Xiyuhe Street

Organizer:  Sunshare Law Firm

Media support:  Chengdu Daily, Chengdu Shangbao, Chengdu TV Economic Information Channel , Chengdu Evening Paper, Chengdu Radio, Financial and Investment Paper, Financial Reading

Presenter: Xiong Jiafu, manager of Huaxi Futures Limited Liability Company

Host: Li Xichen, Associate Professor of Xihua University;Doctor degree of Economic Law ; Lawyer in Sichuan Sunshare Law Firm

Audience: senior managers of financial institution and enterprises

Time and date: 14:00-16:00 pm, Saturday 30th of May 2015, sign at 13:30 pm

Place: multifunctional conference room on the third floor of Sub Center of Real Estate, Service Center of Chengdu Municipal (NO.32 Xihuamen Street, Qingyang District, Chengdu )

1.Text message registration: 13540142687 (Miss Lu); Please respond with ‘name + working place + position + contact information’

2. Email registration: Email:; Please respond with ‘name + working place + position + contact information’

3. Wechat registration: sweep QR code of Sunshare Law Firm and Chengdu Financial Service Center; Please respond with ‘name + working place + position + contact information’
(free registration, successful enrollment if no rejection is received)

File 1.
QR code of Sunshare Law Firm

File 2.
QR code of Chengdu Financial Service Center