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The ending of the seminar - “ UK-China financial industry cooperation, the opp
2015-04-24 14:44:00
The ending of the seminar - “ UK-China financial industry cooperation, the opportunities”

The seminar named “UK China financial industry cooperation – the opportunities” was held at China Forestry Exchange on 23th April.

This seminar is the third episode of Ping An Chengdu project, organized by Sunshare Law firm under the initiative of Chengdu Municipal Committee and Chengdu Finance Office.

This seminar was jointly sponsored by Chengdu Financial Office, China Financial Law Study Centre, Sichuan Province Financial Institution, Chengdu Financial District Association.  And it was organized by Sunshare Law, Watson International Investment Consulting (UK)Ltd, China Beijing Equity Exchange.

More than a hundred of senior financial professionals expressed their insights with specialists and practitioners from the UK and China who explained reflective thinking and critical opinions of UK China collaboration in the financial industry. Dimitros Fountas, the head of Asian Business Development for the school, together with CEO of Watson International Investment Consulting CEO, shared their insight of current economic situation; as well as the strategic measure relating to financial matters.

In the discussion, specialist and guests talked about past experience of City of London and discussed the legal and financial measures to solve social and economic problems. “Open-door to the outside world”, “ internet financial services”, “public equity fund” are some of the heated topics in this seminar.

This seminar is reported by Chengdu Daily, Chengdu Shangbao, Chengdu TV, Chengdu Evening Paper, Chengdu Radio, Financial and Investment Paper, Financial Reading. Under the guidance of Chengdu Financial Offices, judicial institutions, financial regulation agencies , this seminar emphasized on the main issue in UK- China financial collaboration.

Senior financial professionals from both UK and China shared their opinions and offered their advices in order to contribute to the financial development in Chengdu.

“Ping An Chengdu project” in 2015 is designed to provide a platform for international communication, promote sustained, rapid and sound economic development in Cheng Du , and bring economic take-off in Chengdu. With mutual understanding and practical measures, UK-China collaboration is expected to move to a new stage.